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QSL preview & story – EM5F
Story here
S9YY – Sao Tome & Principe
A German team (including DK8YY and DL1RPL operating 144/432Mhz) will be active from Sao Tome as S9YY between October 8-23, 2016. QRV all bands with more information available soon. Initial info here
WW6RG/KH9 – Wake Island
Randy, WW6RG will be active from Wake Island on June 24th as WW6RG/KH9. QRV on 40 – 15m, QRP. QSL via H/c. Note: Prior to Wake Island activity, Randy will be active as V73/WW6RG from Kwajalein Atoll.
T2AQ & T2QR – Tuvalu
Jacek, SP5EAQ and Marek SP7DQR plan to be QRV from Tuvalu from the 14th of March 2017 on 80-10m bands. Jacek operates SSB, while Marek digi modes and CW. Activity is planned for a period of three weeks, however, the exact dates may change. They expect to get T2AQ (SP5EAQ) and T2QR (SP7DQR) callsigns (to […]
VP2E – Anguilla
Henri OH3JR and Seppo OH1VR will be QRV from Anguilla (VP2E) between November 21 to December 1, 2016. Participation in the CQ WW DX Contest CW. Bands: 10-160 mtrs, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL cards only direct CBA. Callsigns will be announced later.
8Q7HW – Maldives
UPCOMING – Wolfgang, DK1HW will be active from North Ari Atoll, Maldives as 8Q7HW between June 20-28, 2016. QRV on HF bands, CW/SSB/PSK31, holiday-style. Verticals/saltwater. QSL via H/c.
6V1IS – Ngor & Goree Isl, AF-045
An Italian team consisting I8LWL, IK7JWX, IS0AGY, IS0BWM, IS0FFR, IS0FQK, IZ7ATN, IZ8FRH, IZ8LFI & IW7EGQ will be active as 6V1IS from Isole Ngor e Gorée AF-045, Senegal between November 6-16, 2016. QRV on HF bands. QSL via IK7JWX.
Operations at 1U4UN
Operation of 1U4UN Amateur Radio Station from Kingdom Mediae Terrae Bir Tawil by HRM King Dmitri I Operation took place in Kingdom Mediae Terrae Bir Tawil border line point near Bartazuga Mountain from April, 19 until April, 20 2016 and consisted more than 1,500 QSO’s from what used to be a no-man’s land BIr Tawil, […]
8Q7YC – Maldives
Primarily visiting Dharavandhoo Island, Baa Atoll, Maldives for work commitments, James, 9V1YC may have a brief opportunity to be active as 8Q7YC between June 19-21, 2016. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via W5UE.
New DX-World website..
…Is Coming! QRX for the change in about 1 week. Meanwhile, this old and exhausted site will function (just!) between now and then.
XL2I – Ile-aux-Coudres, NA-128
The NA128 Contest Group will be active again this year as XL2I (M/S) from Ile-aux-Coudres, Quebec, Canada (IOTA NA-128) between July 28 and July 31 for the IOTA Contest. QSL via VE2CQ and LoTW few days after the contest.
J28PJ – Djibouti
Jean-Philippe, F1TMY will be active from Djibouti as J28PJ starting from September 1, 2016. Length of stay unknown. QRV on HF band + 6m. QSL via home call.
R70ASIA – Gusmp Island, AS-070
R70ASIA Website
FJ/W9DR & FJ/W9AEB – Saint Barthelemy
UPCOMING – Dave, W9DR and Tom, W9AEB will be active from St Barts as FJ/W9DR & FJ/W9AEB between June 17-29, 2016. QRV on 40-6m, CW/SSB. QSL via H/cs.
D44TWO – Cape Verde
Harald DF2WO will again be active holiday-style from Praia, Cape Verde as D44TWO between May 3 to June 8, 2017. QRV on 40-10m. QSL via M0OXO.
XR1T – Santa Maria Island, SA-069
The Chilean DXpedition Team announces its next DXpedition to Santa María Island SA-069. QRV as XR1T during July 28-31, 2016 (IOTA contest weekend). All bands will be activated on CW and SSB. QSL via CE3OP, OQRS.
RC1M/P, RV1CC/P and UA1QV/P – Kashin Island EU-102
Look for RC1M/p, RV1CC/p and UA1QV/p to be active from Kashin Island EU-102 between June 23-27, 2016. QRV on 40-15m with focus to NA, OC and Far East. QSL via op’s homecall. Note: EU-102 activity from 2015
OX/F6ACH – Uummannaq Island, NA-134
Al, F6ACH will be active from Uummannaq Island NA-134 as OX/F6ACH between June 21-27, 2016. QRV when time permits on 20-10m, SSB. QSL via H/c, eQSL.
OY/SM7RYR – Faroe Islands
Roger, SM7RYR will be active from the Faroe Islands as OY/SM7RYR between June 19-27, 2016. QRV holiday-style on 20-10m, CW (QRP). QSL via H/c, LoTW.