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Iain, G4SGX will again be active from Robins Bay, Jamaica during March 11-21, 2025. QRV on 80-10m, CW only. Participation in the BERU contest. Verticals along the beach. More info and pictures on under G4SGX/6Y.Archives pour la catégorie DX North America
J87PE – St Vincent
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Ishmael, 8P6PE plans a SOTA activity from St Vincent as J87PE during March 16-30, 2025. QRV on 20-6m using a Yaesu FT-891 and various antennas. QSL via H/c.C6ACK – Bahamas
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Look for Chad, WE9V to be active from the Bahamas beginning mid/end February to May 2025. QRV as C6ACK on 40-6m only (no low bands). Chad mentions that since he will be visiting various islands, his grid and IOTA will change so keep this in mind over the coming weeks. QSL via LoTW or via […]NCDXF grant – Next Gen RIB 2
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NCDXF is pleased to announce its financial support for a $35,000 grant to fund the Next Gen RIB 2 systems. This project was submitted and led by Gregg, W6IZT. His proposal is to utilize three Elecraft K4 radios Radio-In-Box (RIB) kit that can be used by DXpeditioners. He has a proven setup and will immediately […]FJ/NP4G – St Barts
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Otis, NP4G announces that he will be active from St Barts as FJ/NP4G during May 27 to June 2, 2025. QRV holiday-style. He mentions the QTH is within a Nature Reserve of St Barts and is a new POTA activation (BL-0001). QSL via LoTW only.J38DX & J38LD – Grenada
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Eric GM5RDX & Graham 2M0IJU will be operating from Grenada during early July 2025. Eric has been issued J38DX and Graham will operate as J38LD. Mostly QRV on SSB but also some FT8 data transmissions too. They will be operating from a location at a sea cliff cottage on the south of the island from […]J38W – Grenada
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Jamie, M0SDV (currently with the V73WW team) informs DX-WORLD tht he will be active from Grenada as J38W during 23rd November to 2nd December. Participation in the CQWW CW contest as single op all band high power, using a Hexbeam and a series of vertical antennas for the lower bands; IC-7300 and SPE amplifier. Focus […]HR4/PY8WW – Tigre Island, NA-060
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Renato, PY8WW will be active from Tigre Island, NA-060 Honduras as HR4/PY8WW during May 13-18, 2025. QRV on 40-10m; SSB, CW & Digi. QSL via OQRS (PY8WW). * Tigre Island is located on the border between Honduras and Nicaragua, in the Gulf of Fonseca.FJ/SP9FIH & TO1P – St Barthélemy
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[DATES ADDED] – Janusz, SP9FIH announces he plans to be active from St Barts again during March 24 to April 4, 2025. QRV initially as FJ/SP9FIH then will change to TO1P callsign prior to and during the CQ WPX contest. According to the Club Log Most Wanted statistics, FJ is on 27th position in Far […]HI2LD – Isla Saona, NA-122
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The HI2LD team is excited to announce its upcoming DXpedition to Isla Saona, an exotic destination in the Dominican Republic. This special operation will give radio amateurs worldwide the chance to contact this unique island, operating on HF bands and digital modes. DXpedition Details: — Callsign: HI2LD — Location: Isla Saona, IOTA NA-122 — Dates: […]ZF2EZ – Cayman Islands
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Look for Bill, W5SJ to again be active from the Cayman Islands as ZF2EZ during February 11-16, 2025. QRV on HF bands; CW / QRP. QSL via H/c (direct) or LoTW.HK0A – San Andres Island
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Look for Ray, K3ARC to be active from San Andres Island as HK0A during March 9-19, 2025. QRV on 20-10m; SSB & CW (QRS). QSL via H/c (direct) or LoTW.FP5KE – Saint-Pierre & Miquelon
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By F2DX (ex FP5DX 1988-1991) Team leader: After the success of our 9L5A DXpedition in 2024, F6KOP Radio Club of Provins has chosen for 2025 to go to Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (Ile aux Marins). Although FP is sometimes active there has never been such a big expedition like we organize. We will be 16 operators […]FJ/DK6AS – Saint Barthélemy
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[QRV] Look for Andreas, DK6AS (previously JW/DK6AS, CE0Y/DK6AS, 3B9/DK6AS & 8Q7XX) to be active from St Barts as FJ/DK6AS starting February 11 lasting through to early March. QRV on CW and FT4/FT8. Grid: FK87. Participation in the ARRL International DX CW Contest (Feb 15-16). QSL via DK6AS.VP5E – Turks & Caicos
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During most of March, Kevin W1DED will be in Turks & Caicos. Although not yet confirmed, he hopes to be QRV for CQ WPX contest as VP5E. Outside of contest look for VP5/W1DED on HF bands. QSL via LoTW. NOTE: Kevin hosts and interviews well known ham radio operators from around the world – see […]HQ9Y – Roatan Island, NA-057
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Look for Sejo, N3UA to be active from West End, Roatan Island, NA-057 (Honduras) as HQ9Y during January 22 to February 1, 2025. QRV on all bands and modes. QSL via E73Y.V31DJ & V31DK – Belize
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Walt, W0CP and Mary, K0ZV will again be active from Placencia, Belize as V31DJ and V31DK during February ’25. QRV on HF bands, SSB & FT8. Participation in the ARRL DX CW contest (February 15-16). QSL via LoTW.YS3PY – Isla Zacatillo, NA-190 – El Salvador
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Renato, PY8WW got in touch with DX-WORLD about an upcoming DXpedition in May ’25 to Isla Zacatillo, NA-190 in El Salvador: Dates: May 7–17, 2025. Callsign: YS3PY. Bands: 80-6m. Team: PY8WW, PY7RP, PY7XC, PY1WK Renato says to join them “as they activate this rare island, combining the thrill of amateur radio with exploration“. Follow their […]VP5/K3STX – Turks & Caicos
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Paul, K3STX will be active from Turks & Caicos as VP5/K3STX during February 15-19, 2025. Participation in the ARRL CW contest. QRV outside of contest holiday-style; CW. QSL via LoTW.TG9BBV – Guatemala
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Look for Dwight VE7BV to again be active from Sacatepéquez, Guatemala as TG9BBV during January 10-28, 2025. QRV on 40-6m; CW, SSB & FT8. QSL via H/c, LoTW & eQSL.