NEWS UPDATE — 1U4UN was again recently active from Bir Tawil. This was a short visit and activity by Dima RA9USU mostly to fix the SWR of the beacon previously installed. Dima mentioned the heat was overpowering (55c) and at times he was sick with heat exhaustion – he even got lost in the desert […]
Archives pour la catégorie 1U4UN
Operations at 1U4UN
Operation of 1U4UN Amateur Radio Station from Kingdom Mediae Terrae Bir Tawil by HRM King Dmitri I Operation took place in Kingdom Mediae Terrae Bir Tawil border line point near Bartazuga Mountain from April, 19 until April, 20 2016 and consisted more than 1,500 QSO’s from what used to be a no-man’s land BIr Tawil, […]
A bit more on 1U4UN !
UPDATE – Interesting updated biography! King Dmitri (RA9USU) features approx. 1:56 into the clip. In April 2015, Paul N6PSE interviewed Dmitri and asked him about being a King! Yes, I am the King of Bir Tawil. Last year I was travelling to the section of desert between Sudan and Egypt that neither country wants […]