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Look for Chris, 3A/F5PGP to be active from Monaco (POTA MC-0001 & WWFF 3AFF-0001) during January 4-5, 2025. QRV times approx 0700-1600z; SSB & CW on 20-15-10m.Archives pour la catégorie DX Europe
JX0X – Jan Mayen Island
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[PIRATE CONFIRMATION] – Following info was recently posted on the NRRL (Norwegian Radio Relay League) website: NRRL, the Norwegian Radio Relay League, has been in contact with the Norwegian regulators, and they confirm that JX0X is not currently an active licence. As such JX0X is confirmed to be a pirate. [DECEMBER 18 @ 1945z] – […]Happy Christmas to all DX-World readers !
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We hope you have enjoyed reading DX-World as much as we have enjoyed compiling it. Merry Xmas to you all and a have a DX-filled festive season going into 2025 – a year that will see the solar cycle peak further, and DXpedtions coming thick and fast. DX-World will continue to serve you with DX […]DX-World’s alphanumeric look at 2024
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Considering the past 12 months has seen DXpedition after DXpedition, it’s no coincidence that 2024 has probably been the busiest year ever on DX-World. One of the main aims is trying to cover each DXpedition as best as possible, particularly the major ones, and I hope we did that justice again this year, either through […]CR56MX – rare grid activation
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[UPDATE] – The team has now expanded with Jorge CT1EXR, Fernando CT1FRG and Jorge CT1FMX. Initial info below: [OCTOBER 10] – One for HF / VHF grid square chasers: Near the end of November (22, 23, 24) for a few days, Alex CT5KAO will activate the rare grid IM56mx primarily on 6 & 2m, but […]JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL – Svalbard
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[REMINDER] – LA6VM, LA7XK & LA9DL will again be active from Svalbard between October 9-14, 2024. QRV as JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL. Activity as JW5X during the SSB Scandinavian Activity Contest (Oct 12/13). QSL via H/cs. JW5X via LA5X.OH0/SP7VC – Aland Islands
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Przemek SP7VC together with Kasia SQ7OYL will be active from Aland Island during October 10-14, 2024. They are travelling by motorhome so are able to take all needed amateur radio equipment with them. Plans are to be active as OH0/SP7VC on 20-10m and 4m (70Mhz) from grid KO09. Mek SP7VC writes: So far, I have […]9A24RRC – Croatian IOTA tour
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[PICTURES] – Andy, RZ3EM sends a few pictures of today’s activity which took place from CI-770 Krbela Mala and CI-184 Krbela Vela: [SEPTEMBER 15] – Andy, RZ3EM informs DX-WORLD that thanks to the invaluable support of Ogi 9A7W, Sergey M0MSV/RA3NAN and Andy RZ3EM plan holiday style operation from a few Croatian islands for the IOCA […]JW2T, JW/LB5SH & JW/LB0VG – Svalbard
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[NEWS UPDATE] – by Stian, LB5SH Despite our previous unsuccessful attempt at setting foot on Svalbard, we haven’t lost all hope and will try again in about two weeks. This time failure will not be an option. With high hopes for good conditions, we’ll be QRV on January 24th around 15:00 UTC, until QRT the […]SV2RSG/A – Mt Athos
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[NEWS] – Reports suggest Monk Iakovos SV2RSG will soon be active on HF bands starting approximately September 10th. However, be aware of fake station(s) too. QSL via SV1GRM. Earlier (historical) info below: ===== Following info (AUGUST 4, 2019) on Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG provided by Theodore, SV1GRM: I am Monk Iakovos from the Holy Monastery […]MJ/OT9Z – Jersey
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Fred ON8ZL informs DX-WORLD thaat he along with Peter ON8ZZ will be active from Jersey as MJ/OT9Z during September 13-15, 2024. Fred will particiapte in the WAE (SSB) contest; SOLP category. Outwith the contest activity on 10-15-20-40-80m. QSL via OT9Z QRZ page instructions.JW/SO5WL – Svalbard
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Responsible for WSPR beacon JW1WSP (located on Polish Polar Statation, Hornsund Bay, Svalvard) look for Mariusz SO5WL to also be active as JW/SO5WL between now and September 10th. He’s running a G90 transceiver and 20m dipole. Modes: FT4 / FT8. QSL via LoTW. *Header picture credit: & SM IOTA trip
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Starting September 3 and lasting through until October 6, Frank DL2SWW and Gaby DF9TM plan to operate from several OH and SM islands around the Gulf of Bothnia. Their trip will take in the following island groups, weather permitting: EU-173 (OH), EU-101 (OH), EU-184 (OH), EU-139 (SM), EU-087 (SM), EU-084 (SM), EU-002 (OH0), EU-096 (OH), […]IA5/IK5AEQ – Giglio Island, EU-028
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Luca, IK5AEQ informs DX-World that he will again be from Giglio island (Tuscan Archipelago) EU-028 as IA5/IK5AEQ during September 2-7, 2024. QRV holiday-style on 40-6m, SSB & FT4/8. QSL via H/c, LoTW.Micro-light DXpedition to HB0
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[SUMMARY / VIDEOS / PICS] – Roman, DL3TU and I (DL2COM) have arrived safely back at our homes and are very happy about how everything worked out in the end, and thankful for all the callers from around the world. Despite changing conditions and heavy fading on many signals, we experienced far better propagation than […]OH0B – Aland Islands
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Martti, OH2BH will activate OH0B on CW this coming weekend. This is the CW part of the OH0AM outing that made 4198 QSOs mostly on FT8 and SSB, pre-launching the unique book that will be officially released in the next few weeks. The related lottery is still open for those who made QSO with OH0AM […]MJ/TA1HZ – Jersey
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Tev, TA1HZ will be active from Trinity, Jersey as MJ/TA1HZ during September 11-16, 2024. Participation in the WAE DX SSB contest. Tev says: “Pre-contest activity will be for catching the EU stations into the log for DXCC Award“. He will use a Yaesu FT-891 and longwire with CG3000 tuner. QSL via LoTW, Club Log.OJ0JR – Market Reef
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Henri, OH3JR is again active from Market Reef (EU-053) as OJ0JR. QRV in his spare time (he helps with maintenance of lighthouse whilst there) mainly on HF bands, CW/FT8 and possibly SSB. QSL via H/c, Club Log. *See blog updates about Market Reef maintenance here.JW/DK1VK – Svalbard
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Arnold, DK1VK is currently active from near Barentsburg, Svalbard (Grid: JQ78cb, 20m from Greenland Sea) as JW/DK1VK. He is there until August 23, 2024. QRV on 160-10m; SSB using a homemade end-fed longwire (26.5m long, 10m high) and fibreglass masts. QSL via H/c.5Q7DX & OV2T – North Jutland, EU-171
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A team consisting PA1SVM, PA7JWC and PD2R will be active from Saeby (JO57GG), North Jutland (EU-171) as OV2T and 5Q7DX during September 10-17, 2024. QRV on CW, SSB and Digi; 160-6m, 2m. Also active on satellite QO-100, RS-44. QSL info OV2T via PA0ABM and 5Q7DX via PA7JWC or LoTW. Pictures are of 2022 activity from […]