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Matthew, WW5TX annouces he will be active from Anguilla (VP2ETX) at the end of 2024 / start of 2025: Will be on holiday late 2024 – early 2025 and operating, for a short periods of time from a few different locations within the Caribbean with limited equipment. I will be logging to QRZ, possibly LoTW […]Archives pour la catégorie Anguilla
VP2EAB & VP2EGW – Anguilla
Art, WA7NB and Gary, K2UU will be active from Anguilla as VP2EAB and VP2EGW between November 18-26, 2018. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & Digi. QSL via H/cs.
VP2EAB & VP2EGW – Anguilla
Art, WA7NB and Gary, K2UU will be active from Anguilla as VP2EAB and VP2EGW between November 18-26, 2018. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & Digi. QSL via H/cs.
[REMINDER] VP2EGO – Anguilla
Jim, WB2REM will be active from Anguilla as VP2EGO between March 17-24, 2018. QRV on HF. QSL via H/c, Club Log OQRS.
VP2ESM & VP2EHC – Anguilla
Henri OH3JR and Seppo OH1VR will be QRV again as VP2EHC (Henri) and VP2ESM (Seppo) between November 21 to December 2, 2017. Also participating CQWW CW. Bands: 160-10 mtrs, Modes: CW, SSB and RTTY. QSLs only DIRECT.
VP2EGR – Anguilla
REMINDER – Sigi, DL7DF and crew will be active from Anguilla as VP2EGR between October 25 to November 7, 2016. They will be active with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Equipment consists of two transceivers K2, two OX1000 power amplifiers, a 18m lowband vertical, a 40m and a […]
VP2E – Anguilla
Henri OH3JR and Seppo OH1VR will be QRV from Anguilla (VP2E) between November 21 to December 1, 2016. Participation in the CQ WW DX Contest CW. Bands: 10-160 mtrs, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL cards only direct CBA. Callsigns will be announced later.