Archives pour la catégorie VP8IDX
VP8IDX – Falkland Islands
February 18 – By team member Axel, DL6KVA/VP8KVA 160/80m worked quiet well last night although conditions to Europe were a struggle. Plans are to keep running 160/80m from the hill position for the next two nights – and we’ll try to get there earlier around 2200UTC. Jun, VP8RHF and Arliss, VP8DXU were QRV too from […]
[QRT] VP8SGI & VP8STI – South Sandwich and South Georgia
The Chief Pilot, EA5RM, reports that after the storm comes the calm and VP8SGI was able to go back to Husvik Bay and collect all their gear last Sunday afternoon. The full VP8SGI log was uploaded and OQRS is running. For VP8SGI log inquiries please contact KU9C at The Braveheart is sailing at full […]