Lothar, DL1SBF will be active from Falkland Islands as VP8JLL between November 15-25, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c.
Archives pour la catégorie Falkland islands
VP8KVA – Falkland Islands
VP8SGI/VP8STI team member, Axel DL6KVA, has acquired the callsign VP8KVA and may also be active using this callsign, along with other team members who are signing VP8IDX. QRV on 15-40m CW. QSL via DL6KVA. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET
VP8RHF – Falkland Islands
VP8SGI/VP8STI team member, Jan JH4RHF, has acquired the callsign VP8RHF and may also be active using this callsign along with other team members who are signing VP8IDX. Possibly QRV on 40m CW. QSL via OE1ZKC. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET
VP8IDX – Falkland Islands
February 18 – By team member Axel, DL6KVA/VP8KVA 160/80m worked quiet well last night although conditions to Europe were a struggle. Plans are to keep running 160/80m from the hill position for the next two nights – and we’ll try to get there earlier around 2200UTC. Jun, VP8RHF and Arliss, VP8DXU were QRV too from […]
VP8PDP – Falkland Islands
Gerry, G3WIP (ex-VK0GB) will be active from the Falkland Islands as VP8PDP between February 15 to April 1, 2016. QRV when time permits due to work commitments. QSL via G3ZQQ. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET