All direct requests received (till Jan 16) via OQRS Club Log & post office with enclosed GS or IRC have been answered.
Archives pour la catégorie Zanzibar
5H1WW – Zanzibar
RZ3FW and R4WAA will be active from Zanzibar, AF-032 as 5H1WW between November 19-28, 2016. QRV on 160-10 CW, SSB, RTTY & Digi. Participation in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via RZ3FW, OQRS/Club Log.
5H1XX – Zanzibar, Tanzania
UPDATE – Alex, UX0LL and Alex, UT5UY will be active as 5H1XX from Zanzibar Island (AF-032) on 13-22 August. QSL via M0URX.