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[NEWS UPDATE] – Tev, TA1HZ updates DX-World readers to say that he will be moving once more down to Tabora, Tanzania as of 19th October 2024, and QRV as 5H8HZ. Last time he was active from there he received Mixed-Digital-20m-17m-15m DXCC Awards. This time Tev will try his chances on 10m-12m-30m-40m DXCC Awards. Outside of […]Archives pour la catégorie Tanzania
5H3DX – Tanzania
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[NEWS] – Next planned 5H3DX activity is April or May this year. This time, operator Charles will have a better QTH for an antenna farm etc. Previous info below: [JULY 8, 2024] – Charles, NK8O has recently updated his 5H3DX QRZ page with the following: We had a very successful trip to Tanzania from a […]5H2LBY – Tanzania
John, KB7LBY will be active as 5H2LBY when time permits during February 25 to March 2. Primarily, he will be ascending Mt Kilimanjaro and hopes to have limited operating periods during the climb. QRV on 40 & 20m, QRP, magnetic-loop. QSL via LoTW.
5H0JK – Tanzania
Janusz, AK4JK (ex-T6EU) is now active from Rungwa, Tanzania as 5H0JK. QRV mainly on CW, perhaps some SSB. QSL via AK4JK.
5H3DX – Tanzania
Charles, NK8O will again be active from Zinga, Tanzania as 5H3DX between November 7 to December 4, 2017. QRV on 40-10m. QSL via NK8O.
5H3MB – Tanzania
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Maurizio IK2GZU / 5H3MB informs DX-World that from March 18 to April 8, 2025 he will return to Tanzania for a volunteer period at the Ikelu hospital in the South Highlands of the country. As usual, in his free time, he will be active on HF; SSB, CW, RTTY & FT8. Setup: FT-891, amplifier, dipoles […]QSL preview – 5H1XX
5H3DX – Tanzania
NEWS UPDATE – Chas, NK8O informs DX-World that he will be operating holiday style in Zinga, Tanzania, from approximately 22 October 2016 through to 12 November 2016. Station will be 100 watts with elevated vertical antennas on 20-17-15 meters, and a doublet for 80-40-30 meters. Modes will mainly be CW, but I may venture to try […]
5H1XX – Zanzibar, Tanzania
UPDATE – Alex, UX0LL and Alex, UT5UY will be active as 5H1XX from Zanzibar Island (AF-032) on 13-22 August. QSL via M0URX.
5H3MC – Tanzania
Mike, SQ3PMM (having been active as 5V7MI, 5Z4/SQ3PMM, 9G5AG, 9X9MM, CN2MM and TY4AB) has now acquired the callsign 5H3MC and hopes to be QRV from Tanzania soon. For more information about his African trip visit here. For photo’s and news while on the road check here. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET