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Little Diomede is a small island of 7.3 km2 in the middle of the Bering Strait. It lies 36 km west of mainland Alaska and 3.9 km east of Big Diomede Island, the easternmost point of Russia. The International Date Line passes about 1 km west of the island, whose cliffs rise sharply to 494 …Archives pour la catégorie VE3LYC-KL7
Images from VE3LYC/KL7
Earlier this month, Cezar VE3LYC, was active from Cooper Island NA-172. Today he provides DX-World with exclusive images of his trip and activity. Thanks Cezar!
VE3LYC/KL7 – Cooper Isl, NA-172
UPDATE by VE3LYC — I returned back home on Monday, August 8 at 23:30 The log has just been uploaded to Club Log. During the first four days it was pretty cold on the island. The temperature was 0 to 1C during the day, going down to -3C at night, although the 25 mph eastern wind – with […]