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[NEWS] – Reports suggest Monk Iakovos SV2RSG will soon be active on HF bands starting approximately September 10th. However, be aware of fake station(s) too. QSL via SV1GRM. Earlier (historical) info below: ===== Following info (AUGUST 4, 2019) on Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG provided by Theodore, SV1GRM: I am Monk Iakovos from the Holy Monastery […]Archives pour la catégorie SV2RSG
QSL preview – SV2RSG, Mt Athos
SV2RSG – Mt Athos
I am Monk Iakovos and I live in Koutloumousiou Holy Monastery in Mt. Athos. I became a Radio Amateur in 2015 after training from George, SV1RP, and exams I took in the Ministry of Telecommunication. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET