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Matts, SM0FPR is currently in St Lucia and active as J6/SM0FPR; holiday-style 15-17-20m CW. He may extend his time in the Caribbean and head to J8 (St Vincent) and FM (Martinique).Archives pour la catégorie St Lucia
J68SL – St Lucia
Steve, WF2S will again be active from St Lucia as J68SL during mid-March. Focus on FT8. QSL via LoTW, Club Log OQRS.
J6/K1ZZI & J6/WF2S – St Lucia
Ralph, K1ZZI and Stephen, WF2S will be active from the Bay Guesthouse, Gros Islet, St Lucia as J6/K1ZZI & J6/WF2S between April 18-27, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/cs, LoTW.
St Lucia DXpedition
Operators WJ1B, W3FF, W6HFP, W6LDX, W6PNG, KO7M, KI8R and K0BBC will be active from St Lucia J68FF, J68HF, J6/WJ1B, J6/W6LDX, J6/W6PNG, J6/KO7M, J6/KI8R and J6/K0BBC between December 4-12, 2016. QRV on 160 – 6m. 100 watt transceivers and Buddipole antennas. QSL via H/cs / LoTW.
J6/WB2YQH QSL Status
All J6/WB2YQH Direct OQRS and Direct Mail QSLs have been posted on Monday, November 14. All requests will now be answered daily. Bureau cards to follow in a month. FYI–LZ1JZ did a terrific job in getting the cards out to me. I designed the card before I left and sent the photo from St. Lucia. […]
J6/W3IZ – St Lucia
Norman, W3IZ is active holiday-style from St Lucia until October 26, 2016. There are no paper QSL cards for this operation. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.
J68SL & J6/WB2YQH – St Lucia
Steve, WF2S will sign J68SL and Bob, WB2YQH will sign J6/WB2YQH from Gros Islet, St. Lucia October 18-27. They will use a K3S, and vertical antenna over salt water, plus other antennas.on all bands 80-10 meters, including WARC. Steve will be QRV on SSB, and digital modes–RTTY, PSK, JT65 and some CW while Bob will […]
J68HZ – St Lucia
Bill, K9HZ is again active as J68HZ from St Lucia until February 3, 2018. QRV on 160-6M: CW, RTTY, Phone. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, Club Log.
J68MT – St Lucia
Mac, WT4BT will be active from St Lucia as J68MT between November 4-11, 2016. QRV on 80-10m, mainly Digi with some SSB. QSL via H/c, LoTW. Logs to Club Log. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET
J68GU – St Lucia
Gerd, DL7VOG will again be active from St Lucia as J68GU between May 11-22, 2016. QRV on 80-6m, CW/RTTY/PSK. QSL via H/c. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET