NEWS UPDATE – The group found a short weather window late at night in darkness and landed safely on Market Reef. They try to get operational during the day with high winds bothering their antenna work – temperature 6 C
Archives pour la catégorie OJ0B
Travels with OH2BH and friends
THE NORTHERN EUROPEAN PARTY WAGON IS NOW DEPARTING FINLAND, OCT.04.2016 ALAND ISLANDS, OH0B It is on Wednesday Oct. 05 that OH0B will be QRV for 5-days on all bands from the Aland Islands by Juha, OH1ND, Martti, OH2BH, and Ville, OH2MM/PY2ZEA. Activity will include the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB) on the weekend of Oct. 8/9. MARKET REEF, OJ0B […]