Video (in Russian) — Radio Amateur Expedition to Victoria Island (Franz Josef Land) October 2017. IOTA EU-190(NEW).
Archives pour la catégorie EU-190
QSL preview – RI1F, EU-190
RI1F, Viktoriya Island EU-190, took place during early October. Here is the QSL card.
More footage from RI1F DXpedition to EU-190
Bears against walruses, walruses against people!
News report on RI1F, EU-190
Short news report (in Russian) on recent RI1F expedition to EU-190 by Murmansk TV. Footage includes radio operations and polar bears.
RI1F – Viktoriya Island, EU-190NEW [Franz Josef Land]
OCTOBER 11 — Polar bears showed a very strong interest in HF and VHF! On the last day at camp they had 8 bears visit. They loaded the yacht for about two days and now sailing to Murmansk. As they’ve collected all the stuff in a hurry all the equipment is in one pile and […]
RI1F – Viktoriya Island, EU-190NEW
NEWS UPDATE – The RI1F team (up to 12 ops) depart for the NEW IOTA on September 23, 2017. Depending on sea conditions, it should take approx 3-4 days to reach the island. QRV thereafter. Bookmark for updates. DECEMBER 14, 2016 – Announcement of IOTA DXpedition RI1F – Viktoriya Island, EU-190NEW….keep an eye here for […]