NEWS UPDATE – Raj, VU3LBP will soon replace Bhagwati Prasad VU3BPZ/8T2BH as Communications Officer during the upcoming 36th ISEA expedition to Bharati Station, Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. This will be his QTH for the next year (November 2016 to December 2017). QRV when time permits. Unsure if 8T2BH callsign will be used this time, or a […]
Archives pour la catégorie Bharati Station
Images at 8T2BH, Antarctica
Gianni, I1HYW, QSL manager for 8T2BH, says: Bhagwati VU3BPZ / 8T2BH has sent me some pics of auroras taken at Bharati Base on his May 16 (May 15 for us). The lack of conditions probably due to the magnetic storm are preventing 8T2BH to listen almost anything at the moment. He hope this will be […]
QSL status – 8T2BH
8T2BH QSL manager, Gianni I1HYW, updates readers: I have not printed the QSL cards yet as I am still waiting some better pictures from Bhagwati, which should come shortly. Then I will prepare a sample of the QSL to send to the printer. I hope the QSLs will be ready by the end of April/beginning […]