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By Abubaker, 5A1AL: 6m/50MHz Activties Plan this 6m season (May-Sep.2024). My recent survey found that many hams in JA, NA, SA, VK, and ZL need 5A on the 6m/50MHz band. To make this happen, stuff like a good antenna, an amplifier, and a good QTH to operate from are needed. To achieve that goal this […]Archives pour la catégorie 5A1AL
5A1AL – QSL status & LoTW
Abubaker – 5A1AL informs: Beginning July 30, 2016 the QSL process for 5A1AL and 5A1A (1995-2001) will be through my QSL Manager, Randy – W5UE. He will also upload the QSO(s) to LoTW after the OQRS request is made. There are still a few QSOs remaining on my paper logs. If your QSO(s) are missing […]
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