6Y4V – Jamaica
During the 2016 CQ WW SSB contest, look for Steve, AA4V / 6Y4V, Gay N4SF / 6Y4F, Dave, K8AJA/6Y5 and Rick, W4GE/6Y5 to be active as 6Y4V. The team will be on the island between October 21 to November 1. QSL via AA4V, LoTW.
During the 2016 CQ WW SSB contest, look for Steve, AA4V / 6Y4V, Gay N4SF / 6Y4F, Dave, K8AJA/6Y5 and Rick, W4GE/6Y5 to be active as 6Y4V. The team will be on the island between October 21 to November 1. QSL via AA4V, LoTW.