Look for Gayle, K6GO and Mike, NA6MB to be active again from Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands as ZF2GO & ZF2NA between July 6-16, 2017. QRV on 160-6m. Participation in the IARU HF Contest as ZF1A from the CARS HQ station.
Archives pour la catégorie ZF1A
ZF2CJ – Grand Cayman
Kan, JJ2RCJ (AB2RF) will be active from Grand Cayman as ZF2CJ between March 20-24, 2016. QRV from the ZF1A shack on 80-6m, mostly RTTY. QSL via JJ2RCJ, ORS/LoTW.
ZF2GO and ZF2NA – Cayman Islands
Look for Gayle, K6GO and Mike, NA6MB to be active from the ZF1A contest station signing ZF2GO and ZF2NA respectively between July 6-10, 2016. Participation in the IARU HF World Championship (July 9-10) as ZF1A. QRV on SSB, some RTTY outside contest. QSL via H/cs. ZF1A via K6AM. (Joe, W6VNR / ZF2AH will also work […]