Previously mentioned under the FP/F6ACH post, look for TO200SPM to be active sporadically from St Pierre et Miquelon between now and August 6th. The operators are FP5AC, FP5CJ, FP5BZ, FP5HL and F6ACH. Activity has been limited to 20m SSB so far. The special event callsign is to reflect 200 years of French sovereignty over the islands (1816-2016).
Archives pour la catégorie TO200SPM
FP/F6ACH – Miquelon Island
Al, F6ACH announces he will be active from Miquelon Island between July 22-30, 2016. QRV as FP/F6ACH on 40-10m, mainly 20m. Possible use of the callsign TO200SPM near the end of his activity. QSL via H/c.