The S21ZED & S21ZEE DXpedition to Bangladesh took place in March this year. Here is their story.
Archives pour la catégorie S21ZED
Movie – S21ZED/S21ZEE
S21ZED / S21ZEE – HAM radio DXpedition to Bangladesh from March 14 – 26 2017. Team consists of 3 Latvian, 4 Ukrainian and 2 Bangladeshi radio amateurs – YL2GM, YL2TW, YL3AIW, UT7UJ, US7UX, UT7UV, UT5UJO, S21ED and S21TW. More info on DXpedition website:
QSL card preview – S21ZED/S21ZEE
Hello Dear radio amateurs! Short update about our status. Yesterday I received S21ZED and S21ZEE QSL cards. There are two versions that are very similar to each other. Today I sent QSL cards for all DXpedition supporters 20$/E+, who were automatically receiving our QSL cards directly as our top supporters. I hope and I will […]
S21ZED & S21ZEE – Bangladesh
MARCH 26 — S21ZEE went off the air March 26, 18:00 GMT when the license expired. In total over 50 000 QSOs were logged with both DX-pedition callsigns according to the latest Clublog upload. However not all QSOs are uploaded to Clublog yet, despite the last QSO time in Clublog is minute before the end […]