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[NEWS] – Vasily R7AL, Leo RW9JZ, Slav OK8AU, Victor UA3QLC, Nick R5EC, and Mike RU3UR have won the 2023 Unlimited Cass Award for their 9X5RU Operation from Rwanda. Their DXpediiton was comprehnsively documented below: [QRT] – With almost 170K QSOs, team 9X5RU is QRT and heading home today. Good DXpedition! [APRIL 3 @ 1930z] – […]Archives pour la catégorie Rwanda
9X – Rwanda DXpedition by IDT
The next operation by the Italian DXpedition Team is planned to take place from Rwanda between late September and early October. Further info to follow at later date.
9X2AW – Rwanda
NEWS UPDATE – 9X2AW will again be active mid-May to end of June 2018. MARCH 27, 2017 – Harald, DF2WO will again be active from Kigali, Rwanda as 9X2AW between November 15-30, 2017. MARCH 10, 2017 — Harald will leave Kigali on Sunday 12th March and return again in November. He will dismantle the station […]
9XSDA – Rwanda
Christian, M0UPL will be active from Kigali, Rwanda as 9XSDA (call correct*) during February 11-18, 2018. QRV on 40 and 20m; mainly SSB. QSL via H/c. * “SDA” stands for “Seventh Day Adventist” Church.
9X9PJ – Rwanda
Peter, HB9DVG will soon be active from Rwanda for the next two years. QRV on 20-10m SSB as 9X9PJ and 9X9PJ/P. Equipment: Elecraft KX3 and HLA300 amplifier and Buddipole Vertical. QSL via H/c (direct) & eQSL.
9X0TA – Rwanda
NEWS UPDATE — I am now QRV! As of now working JT65 on 20m with 40W and getting lots of attention. I’ll be moving to SSB sometimes. None of the electrical connections here are grounded, so I’m running an additional ground to a cold water pipe. I did get a few surprise jolts from that. […]
9X0SS – Rwanda
Recently active as 5X1O, look for Jonathan, KK7PW to be active from Kigali, Rwanda as 9X0SS until March 12th. QRV when time permits. QSL via EA5GL.
9X2CW – Rwanda
Eric, SM1TDE will soon be active from Rwanda as 9X2CW. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via H/c.
9X2AW – Rwanda
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Harold, DF2WO will again be active from Rwanda as 9X2AW during January 27 to February 15, 2025. QRV holiday style on QO-100 and ham bands covering 160-10m; CW, FT4 & SSB. Special attention to AS. Grid: KI48XB.9X0JW – Rwanda
Jim, KB1ZSQ will be active from Kigali, Rwanda as 9X0JW until late December 2017. QRV on 80-10m SSB & Digi. QSL via eQSL.
9X9MM – Rwanda
Backpacking around Africa, Mike SQ3PMM is currently active from various locations in Rwanda as 9X9MM. QRV when time permits, mostly 20m SSB; slow CW. QSL via info. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET