NEWS UPDATE – Eugeny RI1FJ is returning to F.J.L (Heiss Island) and is currently in the process of renewing his license. His still is likely from August 2017 to August 2018. QSL via UA2FM. AUGUST 19, 2016 – Eugeny RI1FJ safely arrived at Archangelsk Port. His 2016 operation lasted from 27 June 18.31 UTC to […]
Archives pour la catégorie RI1FJ
[QRT soon] RI1FJ
UPDATE – QRT soon. This afternoon I got information (thanks R6AF) that Eugeny stays on the island until end of the next week. After that he sails home onboard icebreaker RSV Somov. Watch the Somov route here. RI1FJ goes QRT soon after Somov arrives the island. 73, de Victor UA2FM