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Ed, N2HX will again be active from St Maarten lat this year as PJ7PL, taking in the CQWW SSB & CW contests plus the ARRL 10m SSB contest. Outside of contests, look for him on HF bands; CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8. QSL via H/c.Archives pour la catégorie PJ7PL
PJ7PL – St Maarten
NEWS UPDATE – Ed WA1ZAM/PJ7PL informs….“well, needless to say our trip back to PJ7PL is off. Not sure when we will be able to get back. Will make a trip somewhere this year not sure where or when but won’t be for a contest.” JULY 27, 2017 — Ed, WA1ZAM will again be active from […]
PJ7PL – St Maarten
Philip, WA1ZAM will again be active from St. Maarten as PJ7PL between March 18 to April 3, 2017. QRV holiday-style on 30-10m, SSB. Participation in CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 25-26, 2017). QSL via WA1ZAM.