V6J IOTA DXpedition took place in early July ’17. More videos can be found on the V6J QRZ page.
Archives pour la catégorie OC-226
QSL preview – V6J
The V6J DXpedition to Mokil Island OC-226 took place at the start of July. QSL cards now being sent out.
V6J – Mwokil Island, OC-226
NEWS UPDATE – Important updates by V6J QSL manager here JUNE 29 – You must be sick and tired of listening to another delay news. The ship will be delayed again. We would arrive at Mokil island on July 2nd, if the ship sales out on July 1st. The procedures here in Southern islands are not […]
V6J – Mwokil Island, OC-226
NEWS UPDATE – Our V6J IOTA expedition schedule will be fixed soon. We finally received the ship schedule information from Pohnpei Micronesia. The ship will leave for Mokil island at the end of June 2017. We have already prepared all pieces of equipment. Please just wait for our final schedule for a while. We will […]