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[QRV] – Look for Elvira, IV3FSG to be active from Niamey, Niger as 5U5K during June 7-20, 2024. QRV on SSB & FT8/FT4 (MSHV) + some RTTY & CW; 160-6m. Francesco, IK0XBX is pilot station. QSL via IK2DUW.Archives pour la catégorie Niger
5U7R – Niger
During his spare-time, look for Torbjon, SM7RME to be active from Niamey, Niger as 5U7R. QRV on HF bands. QSL via SM7EHU.
QSL preview – 5U5R
5U5R QSLs are now ready print. This is the front part.
[QRT] 5U5R – Niger
MARCH 20 — now QRT. MARCH 9, now QRV — DECEMBER 8, 2016 — A 12-man team will be active from Niger as 5U5R between March 9-21, 2017. QRV on 6 to 160 meters; CW, SSB and RTTY with at least 4 stations on the air simultaneously. Full details here
5U7RK – Niger
Yves, F5PRU is currently located in South Niger and will be active during free time as 5U7RK. He tells DX-World that he’s there for a few months with his job. Due to very bad internet connection (it takes too long to open his email) Yves cannot take skeds. His working conditions include a TS-50 and dipole antenna. […]