NA-221 UPDATE/CANCELLED — With regret we inform that the CONANP denied permission to be able to stay on the Island, and limited the stay on Lobos Island to hours that go from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Considering that the trip to the island is two to three hours according to the conditions of the […]
Archives pour la catégorie NA-221
XF2L – Isla Sacrificios NA-224
XE1SPM, XE1SGW and XE1SOV have announced they will be active from the rare Isla Sacrificios NA-224 as XF2L during the American Lighthouse weekend (February 17-19, 2017). A note on the XF2L QRZ page says: “restricted to sunlight operation 15:00 to 22:00 UTC. This island closed the last 34 years”. Furthermore, activity from Isla de Lobos […]
XF2L – IOTA NA-221 & NA-224
UPDATE / CANCELLED — This weekend, the XF2L team was scheduled to operate on Lobos Island, NA-221, however weather conditions are getting worse, predicting adverse conditions to navigation. For this reason the harbor master, has decided that on Friday, the day on which the outbound trip to the island is scheduled, the port is closed […]