Art, NN7A, will operate as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye, Belize (NA-180) from 8-14 February 2018. This will be a one-person operation using a 100 watt transceiver and wire antennas. Operation will be mostly CW on 160-10m including WARC bands. Online logs available. QSL via Club Log OQRS, direct via NN7A or to NN7A via […]
Archives pour la catégorie NA-180
V31JZ/p – South Water Caye NA-180, Belize
Art, NN7A, will operate as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye, Belize (IOTA NA-180) from 15-21 Feb 2017, including an entry in the ARRL International CW DX contest. This will be a one-person operation using a 100 watt transceiver and wire antennas. Operation will be mostly CW on 160-10m including WARC bands. No online logs. QSL […]