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[REMINDER] – Anne, OH2YL will be active from Liechtenstein as HB0/OH2YL during April 6-13, 2024. QRV on 160-10m; CW & FT8, using vertical and dipoles. QSL via H/c. More details here.Archives pour la catégorie Liechtenstein
HB0/PG8M & HB0/PH0NO – Liechtenstein
The weekend of May 12 & 13, three members of the YNOMY DX Group (PD7YY, PG8M and PH0NO) will be active from various nature reserves in HB0 using the calls HB0/PG8M and HB0/PH0NO. The team will use two or three radios in parallel on all usable bands from 80m up to 6m or even 2m […]
HB0/IK3TND – Liechtenstein
Giuseppe IK3TND informs DX-World that he will be active from Liechtenstein as HB0/IK3TND during April 1-3, 2018. Focus on the low bands, SSB only.
Video – HB0/GM4UYE, Charity DXpedition
A short video showing the recent trip to Liechtenstein & operating as HB0/GM4UYE, a charity DXpedition.
HB0/SP2FIH, HB0/SP2FUD & HB0/SP2GCJ – Liechtenstein
Polish operators SP2FIH, SP2FUD & SP2GCJ will be active from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein as HB0/homecalls between June 11-24, 2017. QRV on 40-6m using combination of verticals & yagis; CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via Club Log.
HB0/ON5UR – Liechtenstein
Max, ON5UR will be active holiday-style from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein as HB0/ON5UR during May 27 to June 3, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c.
HB0/G8SRS – Liechtenstein
Look for M0DCG, M1PTR and M5KJM to be active from Liechtenstein as HB0/G8SRS between April 23-26, 2017. Holiday style operation. SSB and maybe data. 20m 40m 6m. QSL via Bureau to M5KJM.
HB0/GM4UYE – Charity DXpedition to Liechtenstein
Members from Stirling District Amateur Radio Society (GM6NX) and GMDX group will be active from Liechtenstein as HB0/GM4UYE between June 1-6, 2017. Operators are: Hugh GM4UYE, Billy GM0OBX, Jonathan MM0OKG, John 2M0JHN, and newly licensed Ross 2M0 (callsign to be chosen) Modes will be CW, SSB and DATA on 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, […]