Randy WW6RG will be active from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands as V73/WW6RG between May 1-3, 2018. QRV on 20m when time permits, 100w SSB.
Archives pour la catégorie Kwajalein Atoll
V73NS – Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Neil, WD8CRT is returning to Kwajalein, Marshall Islands and will be active again as V73NS on 80 and 160 late November 2016 as he gets ready for CQWW CW contest. He will also try to operate on 80 and 160m as much as possible throughout December. QSL: W3HNK / LoTW.
Chuuk and Kwajalein DXpedition
Keith GM4YXI and Chris GM3WOJ will again be active as V6Z from Chuuk OC-011 and also possibly as V7? from Kwajalein OC-028 during the period 14th October to 30th October 2016. Activity will include a V6Z Multi-2 entry from Micronesia in the CQ WW SSB contest. More details and a website to follow.. FIRST FOR […]