Martti Laine, OH2BH, brought over 2000 Z60A QSL cards with him to California on April 17th. On April 18th, members of the Northern California DX Club, helped Martti seal the envelopes and apply postage. All QSL cards were mailed to the US on the afternoon April 18th. The photo shows the activity by the NCDXC […]
Archives pour la catégorie Kosovo
Z66D – Kosovo
FEBRUARY 26 — Petr OK1BOA, Palo OK1CRM, David OK6DJ, Petr OK1FCJ, Pavel OK1GK, Ruda OK2ZA, Karel OK2ZI and Ludek OK2ZC will be active from Kosovo as Z66D between April 14-21, 2018. Limited activity / building up on April 15 & 16th, full operation planned from 17th to 21st, limited/dismantling on 22nd. QRV: SSB, CW, RTTY […]
Z68BG – Kosovo
Gab, HB9TSW, who is in the Swiss Air Force will be in Pristina between March 29th and April 19th as part of a NATO mission, and will be active as Z68BG. Activity will be limited to his spare time and especially his evenings and Sunday. Operations will be on 80-10 meters using CW running 100 […]
Z68AA & Z68RBJ – Kosovo
Emir, 9A6AA and Robert, 9A5RBJ will be active from Peja, Kosovo as Z68AA and Z68RBJ between May 14-21, 2018. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c.#
Z68M – Kosovo
Mome, Z32ZM will be active from Pristina, Kosovo as Z68M between February 22 to March 6, 2018. QSL via Club Log OQRS.
[UPDATE] Z60A – Kosovo
APRIL 15 — Following the LoTW upload of April 1st, the first Kosovo Z60A QSL card arrived in the U.S. during the past week to 92-year old Frank, K4BVQ, allowing him to reach the DXCC sticker #385. Former INDEXA president Gary Dixon, K4MQG made a special personal delivery, delighting Frank, a serious DXer and supporter […]