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LA6VM, LA7XK & LA9DL will again be active from Svalbard between October 8-13, 2025. QRV as JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL. Activity as JW5X during the SSB Scandinavian Activity Contest (Oct 11/12). QSL via H/cs. JW5X via LA5X.Archives pour la catégorie JW5X
Svalbard DXpedition
Look for LA7XK (JW7XK), LA9DL (JW9DL) and LA6VM (JW6VM) to be active from Svalbard during October 10-15, 2018. Participation in SAC SSB contest as JW5X. Before/after contest QRV with above personal JW calls. QRV on CW,SSB/Digi. QSL via LA7XK, LoTW.