Latest news from J5T — We plan to reach the island on Monday 13th, in the morning. Operations will follow shortly, with the first station on RTTY.
Archives pour la catégorie J5T
J5T – Guinea Bissau DXpedition
The Italian DXpedition Team (IDT) announces their next DXpedition in mid-November 2017 to Bubaque Island (J5 Guinea-Bissau), IOTA reference AF-020, with the callsign J5T. The team will be composed of I1HJT, I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, IK2RZP and JA3USA. They expect to use 4 stations on all HF bands (no 50 MHz), using CW and […]