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Alan GM4EEL (VK6CQ) hopes to be active from Ailsa Craig, EU-123 on Sunday 14th July for a few hours. There’s no mains power on the island, so operation will be 12V DC powered 5W QRP with an FT-818 and mobile whip antenna + radials and limited to FT8 on 14/18/21 MHz. Maybe some CW once […]Archives pour la catégorie EU-123
MM1E – Great Cumbrae, EU-123
Gordon, MM0GOR will be active during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29) from Great Cumbrae, EU-123 as MM1E. QSL: LoTW, Club Log OQRS or via RSGB Bureau.
MS0INT – Isle of Bute, EU-123
UPDATE – George EA2TA (MM0IBO), Dave EI9FBB and Col MM0NDX will be active from Isle of Bute EU-123 as MS0INT between November 18-20, 2016. QRV on 40-10m, SSB/Digi. QSL via M0OXO. Note: MS0INT callsign is affiliated to Invoker Team