LoTW for E51AMF and E51ADD also uploaded.
Archives pour la catégorie E51AMF
Exclusive! E51AMF pics!
Many thanks to Bengt-Erik, K7ADD who is currently active as E51AMF from Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks for providing exclusive images of his QTH for DX-World readers! Bengt-Erik says: “The antennas are a SteppIR CrankIR and a homebrew 80m inverted-L made on-site from lampcord and put on a 12m Spiderbeam mast provided by E51M (prior DXPedition). […]
E51ADD & E51AMF – South & North Cooks
NEWS UPDATE – E51AMF activity from (rarer) North Cooks soon. QRV January 11th-February 6th 2017 on 10m through 80m (160m possible, not guaranteed) SSB, and RTTY (other high-rate digital modes possible) using 1500W into verticals and wires near salt water. Not active on CW. December 30, 2016 – E51AMF will now also be active from Rarotonga (OC-013) […]