Max, DK1MAX will be active holiday-style from Burkina Faso as XT2MAX between March 23rd to April 2nd, 2018. QRV all bands, all modes. QSL via LoTW and eQSL only.
Archives pour la catégorie Burkina Faso
XT2AW – Burkina Faso
Harald, DF2WO is returning to Burkina Faso and will be active again as XT2AW from March 19 to April 15, 2018. QRV on HF, Digi/CW/SSB. QSL via M0OXO.
XT2SE – Burkina Faso
Elvira, IV3FSG informs DX-World readers that she will be active from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso as XT2SE starting February 17 to March 13, 2017. QRV when possible on 80-10m SSB, RTTY & PSK31. Elvira is in Burkina Faso for project Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS (IT Without Borders). QSL via IK3GES.
XT2AGI – Burkina Faso
Ibrahim Guiro, XT2AGI is a newly licensed operator from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. He speaks mainly French as his English is minimal. Harald XT2AW is sponsoring him a TS-430 and Hexbeam (pictures to follow). QRV mainly on SSB. QSL via M0OXO.
XT2AW – Burkina Faso
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[UPCOMING] – Harald, DF2WO will again be active from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso as XT2AW starting September 8 and lasting two weeks. Plans are to QRV on 80-10m; SSB & FT4 and QO-100 SAT (10489666.) LoTW will be uploaded after the DXpedition ends. More info including new pictures here. (Recording below from 2022)XT2AEF & XT2IVU – Burkina Faso
JA3IVU and JH3AEF will again be active from Burkina Faso as XT2IVU and XT2AEF between April 28 to May 4, 2016. QRV on 80-6m, CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via H/cs. FIRST FOR DX NEWS – DX-WORLD.NET