Charles, 8P6ET will be active as 8P1W during the following contests in 2018: CQWW WPX Contest CW (May 26-27) CQWW DX Contest, SSB (Oct 27-28) CQWW DX Contest, CW (Nov 24-25) QSL via KU9C.
Archives pour la catégorie Barbados
8P0VR – Barbados
Bigi, DF3BW and Heli, DD0VR will be active from Barbados as 8P0VR (callsign pending) during December 17- 31, 2017. QRV on 40-10m. QSL via DD0VR.
8P9RN, 8P9SL & 8P9KZ – Barbados
Bob, WB2YQH will be QRV as 8P9RN, Steve, WF2S will sign 8P9SL and Bob, W2KKZ will be 8P9KZ from Christchurch, Barbados (NA-021) October 17-25. They will use a K3S to an Acom 600s amplifier feeding a S9-43 vertical antenna on 80-10 meters, including WARC. 8P9RN will be QRV on CW & SSB; 8P9SL will do […]
8P9MT – Barbados
Mac, WT4BT will be active as 8P9MT from Barbados between November 4-10, 2017. QRV on HF bands. Logs uploaded to LoTW. QTH: New Moon Villa.
8P9IF – Barbados
Bob, G3PJT will be active from Barbados as 8P9IF between March 7-13, 2017. QRV primarily for Commonwealth (BERU) Contest. Outside contest mostly active on CW/WARC bands. QSL via H/c.
8P5A – Barbados
Tom, W2SC will be active from Barbados during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30, 2016) as 8P5A. QRV in SOAB HP Category. QSL via NN1N, LoTW.
8P50B – Barbados
Dean 8P6SH informs: “Barbados is celebrating its 50th anniversary of independence from Great Britain on November 30th 2016. We will celebrate by activating the 8P50-Barbados prefix. A full colour QSL card will be available via KU9C and the usual LoTW updates and confirmation.”