3C0L/3C1L – Ham radio DXpedition to Equatorial Guinea from October 9 – November 12, 2017. Team consisted of 2 Latvian radio amateurs – YL2GM and YL3AIW.
Archives pour la catégorie 3C1L
QSL preview – 3C0L & 3C1L
Yuris, YL2GM informs: Our QSL cards are in the printing process. Soon QSLs for direct OQRS and sponsor QSOs will be mailed. On 10th of December also priority LoTW upload will be done for supporters and direct OQRS QSOs.
3C0L & 3C1L – Annobon & Equatorial Guinea
NEWS UPDATE – 3C1L operation will end (QRT) on November 12 morning (local time). Flight home is November 13 early morning. OCTOBER 25 — 3C0L is over. Yuris and Kaspars are in Annobon airport waiting for their departure back to Malabo. Will see what’s up in Malabo, as they have missed their flight home which […]