Olof, G0CKV will again be active from Rodrigues Island as 3B9HA between November 23 to December 12, 2017. QRV on CW. Participation in the CQWW DX CW Contest and focus on the low bands outside the contest. QSL via LoTW and M0OXO OQRS.
Archives pour la catégorie 3B9HA
3B9HA – Rodrigues Island
APRIL 24, 2017 — Olof, G0CKV will again be active from Rodrigues as 3B9HA between November 23 to December 12, 2017. Participation in CQWW CW contest followed by relaxed holiday-style focus on low bands. DECEMBER 1, 2016 – Following the CQWWCW contest, I am staying on in 3B9 through sunrise December 12th. This is not a […]