Rod, YJ8RN/P will again be visiting Loh Island OC-110 and QRV when time permits between September 11-29, 2017. QSL via NZ4DX.
Archives pour la catégorie YJ8RN-P
YJ8RN/P – Banks Islands, OC-104
NEWS UPDATE – Rod, YJ8RN informs DX-World that he plans to be active from Gaua Island, Banks Islands, OC-104 late November/ early December 2016 as YJ8RN. Further info from earlier this month below.. October 12, 2016 – Stuie, VK8NSB updates DX-World readers with news regarding Ron, YJ8RN visiting the Banks Islands, Vanuatu. I have been speaking to […]
YJ8RN/P – Loh Island, OC-110
Rod, YJ8RN/P will again be visiting Loh Island OC-110 and QRV when time permits from late July to late August. Activity on HF bands. QSL via NZ4DX.