By Craig, VK5CE OC-230 Rowley Shoals VK5CE/9 I have secured a boat for the trip and am just waiting to hear from the government authorities to see if permission will be granted. This DXpedition is not planned until November so its still a long way off. OC-196 Gabo Island VK5CE/3 QSL cards have been […]
Archives pour la catégorie VK5CE
[UPDATE] ZL9A – Antipodes Islands – OC-286 NEW!
Cezar, VE3LYC updates readers with the following: All direct ZL9A QSL requests received to date have been mailed on Friday, March 11. I would like to ask everyone to avoid posting images of the card on various websites for the next 3-4 weeks, in order to allow those who are waiting for it the joy […]