Thomas, DL9OBQ is active from St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago as 9Y4/DL9OBQ until February 7, 2018. QRV mainly on CW, 40-10m. QSL via DARC buro.
Archives pour la catégorie Trinidad & Tobago
9Y4/VE3EY – Trinidad & Tobago
Nick, VE3EY will be active from Trinidad & Tobago as 9Y4/VE3EY during the CQWW CW Contest (November 25-26). A Field day operation with beach verticals and 500 watt amp. Focus on Low Bands/WARC outside of contest. QRV: November 22-27, 2017.
9Y4/K4NHW – Trinidad & Tobago
Nathan, K4NHW will be in Trinidad and Tobago from November 15th thru December 14th 2016. This is a business trip but he plans on taking portable equipment with him and operating during free time. QRV on 20 & 40m, SSB and possibly some Digi. QSL via LoTW.
9Y4/VE3EY – Trinidad & Tobago
VE3EY will be active from Trinidad & Tobago as 9Y4/VE3EY during the CQ WW CW Contest (November 26-27, 2016). A Field day operation with beach verticals and 500 watt amp. Focus on Low Bands/WARC outside of contest.