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Frank, PH2M will again be active from Kralendijk, Bonaire as PJ4M in May 2025. Dates to be announced approx 4-6 weeks ahead of activity. Previously, Frank was QRV from Bonaire in 2013 & 2015. Activity holiday-style on 80-10m; SSB & FT8. QSL preferred via homecall, via bureau, Club Log OQRS.Archives pour la catégorie SA-006
PJ4A – Bonaire
NE9U, KK9K, K4BAI and K2NG will be active from Bonaire as PJ4A during the ARRL International DX CW Contest (Feb 17-18, 2018). QSL via NE9U, LoTW. Note: NE9U will also be active from Bonaire as PJ4/NE9U between February 10-24, 2018.
[UPCOMING] PJ4L – Bonaire
Roger ON7TQ, Ief ON6KX and Kevin (catering & IT) will be active as PJ4L from Bonaire between November 1-11, 2016. QRV on SSB/CW/Digi. QSL via ON3CQ.
PJ4A – Bonaire
KU8E, K4BAI, W4EF and PJ4LS will be active as PJ4A from Bonaire during the CQ WW DX Contest, CW (Nov 26-27, 2016). The American ops will be on the island between November 20-29 and also active as PJ4/homecalls. QSL PJ4A, PJ4/KU8E and PJ4/K4BAI via K4BAI. Others via H/c.