The CW Philippines Inc. DXpedition team of Ed 4F1OZ, Andy 4F1GNW, Nani DU1COP and Gil 4F2KWT will be active from Tinaga Island OC-202 using the callsign DZ4C during 21-23 April. QRV on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 meters CW / SSB. QSL via VE7DP. DU stations QSL via 4F1OZ. The last activation of OC-202 was […]
Archives pour la catégorie OC-202
DX8DX – Calagua Islands, OC-202
NEWS UPDATE – Cancelled due to high seas. Reschuduled for later in year. December 21, 2016 — Charles, M0OXO informs DX-World that Chris VK3FY, Nik VK3FNIK & Dindo DU1UD will be active as DX8DX (TBC) from Luzon Island IOTA OC-042 between 23rd to 29/12/2016 with the possibility of other IOTA’s in the same region (IOTA […]