Bodo, DF8DX will be in Nigeria from 12-16 November 2017. He will take some equipment to be QRV again as 5N7Q. If you hear him with big signal, then he is QRV from the transmitting station at Voice Of Nigeria in Abuja.
Archives pour la catégorie Nigeria
5N7ATI/4 – Bonny Island, AF-076
NEWS UPDATE — The short 5N7ATI/4 activity to Bonny Island AF-076 brought 53 QSOs in the log. Uli used a TenTec Scout and GPA on 20m in SSB. Log is uploaded on Club Log and the supporting material is sent to IOTA committee. There is no further activity planned. If someone wants more information, please […]
5N/PA3TG & 5N40TG – Nigeria
NEWS UPDATE – Starting early January 2017, Tom PA3TG will be active as 5N40TG. October 11, 2016 – Tom, PA3TG informs DX-World that he will be active from Lagos, Nigeria as 5N/PA3TG between November 15-24, 2016. QRV spare time (mostly evenings on 20m CW/SSB). Also 30m CW. QSL via buro PA3TG or direct 2USD.
5N/PA3TG – Nigeria
As of August 10th, Tom PA3TG is located and active from Onne Port (Port Harcourt), Nigeria as 5N/PA3TG. QRV when time permits. QSL: via PA3TG Buro or Direct USD 2.
5N/LW9DTR – Nigeria
Martin, LW9DTR has announced that he will be active from Ilobu Town, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria as 5N/LW9DTR during August 6 & 7, 2016. QRV when time permits on 20-10m, SSB. QSL via homecall.