Rudi, DK7PE will be operating as V5/DK7PE out of Omarura/Namibia and trying the low bands with a focus on 160 and 60m during January 24-30, 2018. Participation in the CQWW 160CW contest. More here
Archives pour la catégorie Namibia
V51/ TA1HZ – Namibia
Tevfik, TA1HZ will again be active from Swakopmund Beach Hotel, Namibia as V51/TA1HZ during the CQ WW DX SSB contst (October 28-29, 2017). Expect activity before/after contest. QSL via LZ3HI.
V51/HB9JAB – Namibia
Stefan, HB9JAB will be active (holiday-style) from Namibia as V51/HB9JAB between April 18 to May 8, 2017. QRV /Mobile from campervan. QSL via eQSL, LoTW.
V51/ TA1HZ – Namibia
Tevfik, TA1HZ is active from Swakopmund Beach Hotel, Namibia as V51/TA1HZ until March 28, 2017. Participation in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via LZ3HI.
V5/DD8ZK & V5/DJ9KM – Namibia
Georg DD8ZX and Klaus DJ9KM will again be active from Namibia as V5/homecalls between February 6-18, 2017. QRV on 160-6m SSB, RTTY & PSK. Also active as V55V during CQ WPX RTTY contest. QSL via H/cs.