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Scott, WA5A is again active from Ruaka, Kenya as 5Z4/WA5A. Activity planned on 40-20-17-10m, possibly low bands. He uses an IC-735, TL-922 amplifier and fan dipole antenna @ 33m. QSL via H/c. He was last active from there in December 2023 (recording below from then). Archives pour la catégorie Kenya
5Z4/OZ1AA – Kenya
UPDATE – During May 25-29, Thomas will be active from Lamu Island AF-040 Thomas, OZ1AA is now active from Kenya, staying there until June 15th. QRV when time permits as 5Z4/OZ1AA. QSL via OZ1ACB, Club Log OQRS or LoTW.
5Z4/AK0SK – Kenya
Look for Sila, AK0SK to be active from Taveta, Kenya as 5Z4/AK0SK between December 22, 2016 to January 6, 2017. QRV on 80-10m, SSB. QSL via H/c, LoTW.
5Z4/DC4CQ – Kenya
Franz, DC4CQ is currently active from Kenya as 5Z4/DC4CQ. QRV mostly on 20 SSB. Length of stay unknown. QSL via home call.
5Z4/IW5BBV – Kenya
Bruno, IW5BBV has announced he will be active from Kenya during September and October 2016. Full details to follow..
5Z4/DL7KL & 5Z4/DJ6TF – Kenya
Reiner, DL7KL and Tom DJ6TF will be active from Kenya as 5Z4/DL7KL & 5Z4/DJ6TF between November 16-30, 2016. Participation in CQ WW CW contest. Also QRV on 80-10m, RTTY. QSL via H/cs.
5Z4/JM1CZX – Kenya
Look for Koji, JM1CAX to be active from Nairobi, Kenya as 5Z4/JM1CAX between now and the end of August. QRV on 20-10m, CW/RTTY (mostly weekends). QSL via H/c, LoTW.