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[UPDATED DATES] Bernard, DL2GAC will again be active from Manakwai village, nearby Malu’u (northern Malaita island) as H44MS starting February 15, 2025 lasting through until the end of April. Expected to QRV daily on 80-6m; SSB & FT8. Recording by DX-WORLD from March this year. QSL via H/c, LoTW. *Bernard mentions that he’ll arrive Honiara, […]Archives pour la catégorie H44MS
H44MS – Malaita Island, OC-047
Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active from Malaita Island, Solomon Islands beginning October 18th and staying there until the end of November 2017. QRV as H44MS; 160-6m SSB. QSL via H/c.