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Team consisting of BI4KKC, BA4KR, BA4MY, BG4NMT, BI4KKF, BI4LBR, BH4KRH and BH4IQZ will be active from Lingshan island AS-150 during the IOTA contest as BY4JN. They will use a combination of antennas and QRV on 80-6m also outwith the contest; CW, SSB & FT8. Grid: PM05cs. QSL via BA4MY, Club Log OQRS.Archives pour la catégorie AS-150
BY4JN – Lingshan Island AS-150
An 20-man Chinese team will again be active from Lingshan Island AS-150 as BY4JN during the IOTA contest (July 29-30, 2017). QSL via BI4IIZ.
BY4JN – Lingshan Island AS-150
An 11-man Chinese team led by BI4KKC will be active from Lingshan Island AS-150 as BY4JN during the IOTA contest (July 30-31, 2016). QSL via BG4OGO. BY4JN – Lingshan Island AS-150 in DX-World Forum