Dale, BA4TB informs DX-World that the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC) will be organizing an IOTA dxpedition to Yongxing Island, Xisha Archipelago AS-143. ETA QRV dates from 26 June – 2 July (may be subject to change). Call sign is B7CRA, operating from 80-6M (no 30M) on CW/SSB/DIGI, with up to 2-3 stations simultaneously. QSL […]
Archives pour la catégorie AS-143
B7CRA – Yongxing Island, AS-143
UPDATE – B7CRA website (in Chinese) with further info and pictures. JUNE 13, 2017 — Dale, BA4TB informs DX-World that the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC) will be organizing an IOTA dxpedition to Yongxing Island, Xisha Archipelago AS-143. ETA QRV dates from 26 June – 2 July (may be subject to change). Call sign is […]