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[NEWS UPDATE @ 2115z] – After a successful test operation in preparation of the upcoming Jarvis Island DXpedition, we are dismantling the antennas today (July 28th) and going QRT. Final logs will be posted to Club Log soon. Superfox performed much better than we’ve ever seen F/H do and we experimented with many QRP stations. […]Archives pour la catégorie American Samoa
K8K – American Samoa
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[NEWS UPDATE] Earlier today, Yuris met with George AA7JV and Mike KN4EEI who are also in American Samoa (soon to be K8R) getting organised and making tests for the upcoming Jarvis Island N5J DXpedition. Yuris sent DX-WORLD a few pictures (captioned). [JULY 5] With propagation to the Pacific from many parts of Europe being very […]WH8/DL2AH – American Samoa
Uli, DL2AH informs that he will be active from Ofu Island, OC-077, American Samoa as WH8/DL2AH between October 2-29, 2018. QRV holiday-style on 80-10m SSB/FT8/RTTY. Participation in different contests (Oceania, WAG & CQWW SSB). IC-7300 and Windom antenna in use. QSL via H/c.